
Strange end to the day. After arriving in Höchst I went to the St Justinus kirch just as it was closing and I got a stamp for my Credencial, but when I asked for a place to stay: blank faces and in Germany a blank face doesn't have a nanosecond of emotion. They really didn't care less that I'd just walked 25 kilometres from Mike and Steffi's and came expecting something of someone, in one of the oldest churches on Germany, to care I was on the Pilgerweg and actually help me along! Unreal. The modern world is populated by people who haven't any character and Germany just seems to follow suit! Difficult days ask me difficult questions. Is this because Germany is driven by memories of the past - and I'm British - or because they are rampant capitalists who don't realise what a struggle the Weg/Way/Camino is?


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