At the end of a massive, continental, Camino day. It was so tough, but I got to the end in almost one piece.
With, finally, two bits of reading material - only needed Cakes and Ale, by W. Somerset Maugham, but returned from the excellent bookshop with two Penguin Orange Backs: the second being Dandelion Days by Henry Williamson - 1/6d each(€2) and both published in 1950(not first editions sadly).
At the end of a frantic walk I do like to unwind into a novel or something uncorrupted by the media mafia conceits of current times: who talk nonsense to get people to chose sides as I walk down the narrow edge between them.
Michel & Danielle, my hosts, have a wonderful 'studio' for pèlerin. I've finally got to 'caminoland' with today's very good repase and this evening's reposé. I am a lucky man, but perhaps after 35 Kms I earned it.