Monday. first day, second part.
Up before the other two pilgrims, but thanks to the older man's alarm which went off early... Which is good.
Sat down to breakfast and the black cherry jam which is not jam, actually confit: very nice but not sweet. Ideal for pork or another flesh, but a little too savoury for breakfast... But it's food! All food is gratefully received when you don't know what your are doing from one moment to the next?
The way is before me again. I don't really like 'rest' days as they are fraught with potholes: beer, people, people, beer. It's all good! Back to Monday and the 'walking' week... Big cities bring on mauvaise santé mentale, especially after a long morning driving along the flat landscape in L'Eure - La Beauce
Second round of bread and 'jam' and this time it is confiture.. I am a lucky man. Four demi of Abbey Blonde yesterday and then a pile of beautiful Puy lentils. I am a simple man.
Bon Courage...