Day Three from Glastonbury to Bridgwater, and beyond?

Day three dawns after a perfect evening's sleep. Awake and eating Frijoles Rojos Colombianos by 5:30am. My backpack is thoroughly packed and I'm just enjoying a agave sweetened LOR Classique instant coffee. It'll be ablutions, boots on and away. I found a slight short cut back to Magdalene Street so don't have to follow too much road out of Glastonbury? Yesterday wasn't a lot of walking (10 miles), but it was primarily tarmac.

The can of frijoles antioqueños is enough for two plates of refried beans so they're safely stowed in Tupperware.

Left Glastonbury via Wirral Hill/Ridge and the later part of The Romam Way as it slumbered and passed through Street as labourers stepped into the healthy morning option 'Greggs' - two mornings ago that was me labouring over two full breakfast baps! Just connect the field ways parallel to the suggested lane coming out of Street, to the South of Walton. Streaming west! It's eight and time for a slash!

What hayfever!

I stopped for a few biscuits on Pit Hill Lane, Moorlinch. The Ring 'O Bells is closed until 5pm. I'm going to carry on to Sutton Mallet and hope I can stop for a big beef pie!

I had a substantial picnic in the churchyard at Sutton Mallet

Inky storm clouds.

I'm going to go looking for a beef pie... Bridgewater seems to have no charms.


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