The road home
Walking back the way I came. Yesterday sun, but today drenched. Just over an hour to recross my steps passed the church, horseshoe weir and giant oak along the towpath then went right along the main road with damp boots. If it breaks I may walk to Chirk... that's unlikely though. Time to catch the bus...
On a miserable morning I am on the number 5 towards Chester, to change at Wrexham and head to stand 7 @ 10:45am to Caer/ Chester before the long haul on Northern Rails direct service to Leeds.
Last meat related morning. Great breakfast and welcoming tea at the café in Riverbanc after leaving the Sun Inn at 6:30. Hung around until 10 reading the first chapter of Bill Bryson's Neither here nor There... Back into a book. No traipsing uselessly today. Mentally and physically exhausted!