over the top
What next? Why back into France over the top. I simply don't fancy Figueres this time and I've a white and red stripe for company - a French walking sign on the Chemin Saint-Jacques or GR route... As they often intertwine.
At the end of a hard shift I am back in Place du Neuf Jets awaiting a slap up meal from 19:15 onwards. Lap of luxury and I've 'earned' it - such bullshit. I am just having this good moment after all those preceding billions of billions since 6am this morning...
By the time I'd taken many many wrong tracks in the forest trying to locate Maçanet de Cabrenyn, crossing over rapids for hopefully the last time, I couldn't decide whether to keep south to Figueres or head over the Col to Céret for a second bite of its cherries...
In the end I took the short straw to a long endurance day up to Coll de Pou de la Neil and then exhilarating, but exhausting, long way down to Céret where it was a beer, a shower, a beer, food, a beer, a beer and bed.
Slept like an angel until the breeze picked up and blew against the door of room 21, which I guess was Unoccupied, making a regular banging until I located a doorstop and placed it under and returned to 22 until naturally I awake at 6 and leave to seek coffee and a final day making my way back to Perpignan.