leaving Tapis
Tapis is silence indeed and yet more strange dreams throughout the night: but I don't remember the themes this time I just recall feeling insubstantial or incomplete within them.
A bit early for breakfast at the restaurant next door and attached to the hostel/hotel. I've a sunrise to myself as the hostess said eight for breakfast, but I can't wait so long really as I've one more day walking... Perhaps all the way to Figueres. If I don't walk today it won't be completed and will remain insubstantial. I rang the buzzer and am in the Can - which is Catalonian for Casa.
Many many dogs: at least 5. One old and asleep in the bar area who looks a bit snappy. They don't understand English so show their teeth and their eyes so I can see the whites, but two Dalmatians still happy to say good morning! And it's breakfast of champions again... Tostados con Tomate.