Monday ... 2nd May.
In the mornings, after a comprehensive night's sleep, I am sure that Now is all there is. Being was before and will be after, but is very much at the heart of existence Now.
I like Now very much, but I easily forget it and begin searching the past or seeking a future, after the world prises open the box and starts it's way dissecting the moment into history and future.
They don't exist, and they never will; there is only the current moment, but my body absolutely requires input to produce an output otherwise it would fail, breakdown and collapse into dust.
Why did being get reduced to such a structure, in some kind of desperation, as it manically seeks answers to questions it can never get because I am looking everywhere other than the current point. The single point is the singularity of existence - it begets everything, but never needed to.
Now I had these thoughts please can I drop the delusional world I perceive for the much greater reality of presence?