Monday morning - after Storm Franklin
Another windy night. I awoke and was unable to return to Lalaland, laying there I heard Adrian rage around 6 am, perhaps he couldn't sleep either.
Sunday was a wash out. I walked Lola between downpours, but in the afternoon there was no such break. I don't want to drench her, and she gets a lot of exercise normally. Emma picked her up around 3 and she sat on Emma's back seat like a human staring out of the window - she loves journeys...
Watched some very average Catherine Cookson drama, which was tediously long, and made more so by adverts every 14 minutes, with mother. She's addicted to those North Eastern clichéd narratives. But it helped see out the nasty wet Sunday.
Stayed away from the Mews and BAE(Dark Hot Chocolate)for a day. Got Forward Leeds appointment this afternoon so this will be two dry days on the bounch. Spent £2 on bus fare. Waited 10 minutes for the bus at 8 am - it was pissing it down.
Had scrambled eggs for breakfast and am considering a walk up to the allotment. Emma has Lola today, mum's at the Hospital for her knee and so I am surplus to requirements, for a change. I will walk up to the allotment around 9.