Sunday into Monday 10th January
Lola, what a good girl! She stayed in her bed until at least 5, climbed in besides me until 6:30 and waited quite happily for me to prepare her breakfast at 7, once we decamped and meandered downstairs.
That dog doesn't mind her own space for 7 hours as long as I am directly alongside her - within touching distance. Mum needs to purchase a futon bed, a 4 foot one, to put in that room so we can always be alongside each other, but she simply won't.
Reading a fantastic, and fairly comprehensive, summary of Cornwall - Vanishing Cornwall by Daphne du Maurier - in the Mews last night I realized how busy it was in the bar area. At around four thirty I moved out of that space and continued reading further into the restaurant area.
It seems that the same dozen or so faces that frequent here every day. These people are fine, but I need so much more! I really need my mother to get a new knee so soon so I can possibly pick up where I left off in February 2020?