on the horizon
Glenn and I are off to Andalusia. The price of a LFT has crashed to around £6! Why were the likes of Randox allowed to charge whatever price they felt like back in 2020 and 2021?
Now they've probably got a vast quantity of test kits which will soon be quite literally worthless to everyone, and will get dumped on somewhere third world or unrecyclable: probably Romania, Bulgaria or Ukraine.
Oh and the UK government has sent military hardware to the Ukraine. Just as COVID vanishes up pops the other nonsense: war, conflict, aggression; sphere's of influence!
Oh I don't know! Isn't the Ukraine really Russia anyway. It's definitely not western Europe as they are mainly Russian Orthodox... Go figure.
I would advise those who are being slapped on the back by the US, UK, et al, that they're using you to sell weapons and ideologies!
The US doesn't care about the Ukraine, but they do like to keep the tangle of conflicts carrying on. Life doesn't matter at all in the struggle of corporations to dominate us. Russia, the US and the rest collude to perpetuate conflict. It's deep in the mire of control.