Returning to Tavira
What now? Where now? One more day would take me further than my original destination - Beja - and further from Seville, where I return from on Wednesday. As there are a lot of connections from Faro, Tavira and the Algarve to Seville, by bus, that must be 'the' option... I've booked a Rede Expressos to Faro at 1020am. And will stay in Tavira. Indeed I could stay until Tuesday as I don't need to be in Seville except for one night. There is the Via de la Plata obviously, but that's in the future... This was just a short one. And I felt the Camino spirit the day before yesterday with António, in Alcoutim with the dogs and Sam and when I crossed the stream Vascão with my feet finding the none green stones and sandy spaces.
So that's sorted. One night in Tavira too. Then forward to Seville and then back to Leeds, via Stansted, and my broken relationship with my mum... What's around the corner?
Downstairs for breakfast and it's raining. It's grey on Beja. Health today. Sunday chilling out. Monday back on the road? One night in Tavira is enough. I get an advance on my income on Monday - known as a Budgeting Loan - then get my ESA on Thursday, but I've England and the cost of stuff there to consider - the train fare. There is a bus from Trumpington in Cambridge, but I can't recall the time...
Yesterday I enjoyed a sushi meal (all you can eat) at Bushido and it's the first time I've touched the stuff since I came unstuck at Yo! Sushi in 2013. Sashimi, nigiri, etc. All gave me the shivers after those awful 3 months working, in the worst designed kitchen ever, in the Trinity Centre Leeds... They had the same salad/seaweed/vegetable dish we sold... It was good and was a change from Portuguese/Alentejo cuisine.
Now I am back in The Algarve it's another cuisine - Manna fish pastes ...
A long morning is almost over. Train back east. Leaving Faro at 1355. One night in the HI Hostel 20€. Bus to Seville tomorrow 22€ and two nights in Seville 35€. Transport is the one thing which I forget about when I am walking... Accommodation costs can't be helped. Last time I came this way I was frazzled leaving Faro after a bad night's kip at Tilia Hostel. It's Sunday and I intend to eat healthy, and sleep soundly, and I am frazzled...