The return. part one.
And it's raining. Points failure on the decrepit railway line. Stansted looked dirty: it reminded me of passing through Mumbai when it was still known as Bombay, and hanging around in the airport a few hours. Bombay airport can't be like Stansted now can it? That was 2001...
But this is the UK in 2023 where (apparently) multiculturalism has failed apparently - so says a multicultural the sacked (snigger) Home Secretary? To me it's a land where the rich get richer and the poor are marginalised, regardless of ethnicity? What would England be like without the choice of food outlets catering to every whim? Probably a lot like most of Europe... Dominated by a lot of bad local cuisine (as opposed to bad kebab shops)?
The world is one in its multicoloured, multicultural, multi-ethnic diversity. Perhaps leaders have failed in this Western democracy as they look to blame everything but themselves for the running down of England? No wonder Scotland desires it's freedom to self determination...
Coffee time. It's been years since I was a tourist in Cambridge! Probably just around the time COVID was creeping upon us? I think I passed through, during daylight hours, to just catch the train, but I didn't go to the centre? Funny how I am not sure, but I definitely remember the previous time that the Saint Radagund pub on King Street, had just closed its doors(because of mismanagement)! Oh the humanity... The coffee I just had is too stimulating... I am buzzing like a fridge. It's in the roast: I never felt I was over-caffeineated in Spain!
The overnight guy is 2 years from Nagpur and he just sought my aging YHA knowledge... Nice. I am still connected to this entity 15 years after I lost hope in Wilderhope Manor and left a stinking ship... I advised him to go anywhere when winter hits, advising him to leave autumn to blow itself out...