Operation Day

A day earlier than I realised is the big op, D-day, freedom from this smudge on the right lens - cataract - I'd put it on the calendar for 7:30am on Thursday, but, after a courtesy call from St James's Hospital, I was made aware it's this morning!

So here I am drinking water up until 5:30 and awaiting the sunrise over Jimmy's - blue skies all the way again.

Returned to the flat, washed all that was in the cylinder, ate a protein rich dinner and faded out, but then had broken sleep as the room is getting warmer, as it does in summer, so slept mainly on the covers until the temperature receded and crawled back under until I had a feature length dream about working dockside for a luxury yacht company handing out passenger keysets to get onto a rig being blown around by a storm on the Quayside - somewhere like Middlesbrough in my head.

Half an hour of drinking left before nothing for 2 hours ... I've muddy feet from watering like a madman up on the allotment in sandals! Therefore the bath will be worthy of this visit to that giant medical facility I see before the rising sun.

The final 10 minutes of beautiful water ... Seems quite surreal to not be able to reach for a beaker and pour a life maintaining liquid from the ever present faucet and drink whenever I please: such valuable H²O ...

After ablutions this morning I will meditate and then give myself an hour to get to the Eye Clinic department in the Gledhow Wing at St James's: it's probably a half an hour walk as I am not 100% of the back way.

Someone said that she had had the best rest every from a general anesthestic and woke up happy. Interesting ... And a couple drinking coffee outside Wetherby's Cinema said it was the best thing they both had done! Strange how I was given these people to reassure me that this procedure is absolutely necessary for giving me back a part of my life which feels to have begun fading away - my book reading obsessions. Being so distracted by this mark across the right eye is making reading a chore and not the ideal companion I've always needed along the roadside.


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