no more Mews
Why am I pissed off already this morning? Feelings of meaninglessness linger everywhere. Even, comfortable as I am with Lola tucked between my knees and thighs, breathing deeply, after her breakfast, there is something floating in my head which is making me feel rotten and beyond redemption. But this cannot be true, can it?
There is always another way, and it is the right way out of this maze, in which I keep turning further and further into confusion, because I do have a choice between the Ego and the Holy Spirit - free will to choose a single point to save me from myself...
Last night I didn't get drunk, I retired to read a third chapter of the historical fiction The Pillars of the Earth that my friend David gave me to read, and slept pretty well when Lola had stopped cleaning herself, in her bed, alongside me in my old bedroom at my mother's and didn't wake up fully until 7 am - which is a lay in for me! On the edge of my unconsciousness I was aware of the storm blowing outside and perhaps it prevented the deepest of night's? Or something yesterday which occurred in The Mews was repeating in my empty mind like an image I had made... It's all speculation. But I really should stop going to the Mews as I clash with far too many people there... Especially Kerry with her dogmatic ways!