Wednesday 25th May

Bus to Wetherby: earlier than the one I normally catch - the blessed X98. Many people, but mostly they head upstairs and slowly filled to the brim by secondary school monsters who are always as noisy as hell - oh how I prayed for flames to spread...


Please give me back my soul or show where it has been hidden? The one Wetherby has placed out of reach. There was no option but to 'hand it over', but never for 'safe keeping' as there is no safety in Wetherby where trolls wait on the crossing of the Wharfe, beyond Micklethwaites safer shore. My mum has had her knee replaced, but who can really care for Lola yet while she's still repairing?

Two weeks until I am a goner to Tarragona and three months until I can leave behind this town to fall in on itself and be hidden for archeologists to uncover and stare in awe and in utter incomprehension...


Last night I took to bed with a feeling of nausea from the food I had eaten: mum made a crumple pastry meat pie, which I shouldn't have eaten. She used lard in the pastry construction. Until 8pm I was burping and passing wind like I was losing my core from both sides! Drinking a lot of water it generally subsided.


Looks like I will have Archie during August after all. Iskara and David were going to take him to Bulgaria, with their children, to visit David's in-laws. My summer is occupied once more with dog sitting duties. Archie is a little senile now: he spends a copious amount of time sniffing and pissing and rarely moves forward. Perhaps I should read a book while he does so... Last time I was out with Lola and him Lola was finding the walk a little boring as she likes to be on the go...


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