The last couple of days thoughts, good and bad.
A patron. Someone to give me the security to know I can carry on walk, thinking and writing. All good artists struggle, but some are supported enough to reveal themselves in all their glory?
When I wander, lonely on the hillside, I live in hope of meeting an immortal or some being outside of my experience to show me the path I am on is not a false one.
Do I believe in magic? Well I used to be involved with AD&D quite heavily and read the Time of the Twins cover to cover, year after year, and lived in Middle Earth - Beleriand mostly, after I'd read LotR and and found it lacking - for a hell of a long time; I knew the Shire very well...
The dawn chorus woke me this morning just before Lola climbed in next to me. She was pretty tired last night and crawled into her duvet after a little time nestled with me, head in the space between upper arm and chest on Wednesday evening
Something I didn't expect to rear it's ugly face has come over the horizon once more: depression...
It's been coming along for several weeks, but this week, due to several problems which are presenting themselves, I awoke at 4 and that was me...
Ruminating. I saw me going over and over the two or three little problems, again and again, trying to work out a way to stop them blocking my mind's path.
Firstly there is the allotment situation. Now I have no agreement on any of the plot I previously thought ran down to the end of the site, but didn't, and actually stopped half way. There are two plot and I have an agreement for neither as I cancelled the original agreement to add Andy to it. I have been working very hard on them/it now for more than a year...
It feels like I have truly been wasting my time and causing various ailments to appear I wasn't aware of: knuckles, feet and knees are all in a poor state after a year of bending, pulling, pushing, twisting; fork, spade, trowel, hoe.
This morning I will have to speak to Jonathan Morton at LCC, again, to ask him what I need to do about plot 1 which I am not sharing with Andy?
Secondly, because I am suddenly running out of cash too quickly in a month, I applied for Carer's Allowance which may effect my ESA amount: bringing it down and making my financial life thoroughly unliveable.The rising cost of living is effecting me too?
These are semi trivial issues I suppose? Except the ESA potential minefield ahead. Will see. Perhaps I needed a hit in the face to remind me how badly I cope with situations: I just saw a kitchen knife and the first thought I had was just do it... What an awful thought to have?
Now I've got to catch the 6:30 am bus to Leeds to be at the flat for a visit from the plumber to fix the leaking cistern and my guts are playing up...
Spoke to Glenn on the journey to the flat and I feel a little less fraught with anxiety, dread, fear - the things going around and around in my head.
The guy from Mears, whose lost a shed of weight, fixed the washer on the cistern and now I don't have to turn off the water supply at the mains every time I leave the flat, sleep, etc. It was a five minute job.
Now I've washed clothes, with the final SMOL capsule (ordered more), had a plate of black beans for breakfast, had a warm soak and turned off on the bed for a while. My guts are playing up slightly and I recall last night that the mushy peas weren't so mushy... Probably not cooked out enough!
It's a day off from Lola, Wetherby and the Allotment until I see her, it and them again on Saturday. It's Leeds and me for a warm Friday...