Sunday 29th May...
And today I feel as flat as a fish skillet. Even though I had no hangover, sleeping well on Saturday night, and had a lovely walk alongside Crowcroft Bank, Watersole Lane, Flint Mill Lane, Spring Lane (to drop Lola at my sister's), mowed my mum's lawn(before it rained) and just returned a pair of Meindl Shoes for a (welcome: £134.30) refund because one of the metal lace holes had popped out. It's nothing to do with the weather.
This morning Lola was brilliant as we snoozed on until 6:20am and waited until 6:55am for breakfast... And mother didn't descend until 8am. It couldn't be easier. Do I go and see the GP next week? This is a long curve downwards and maybe I need Venlafaxine to pick me up. The Jubilee hullabaloo doesn't help me either: celebrating our majesty who has sat in the web for far too long. I am not a Monarchist, but I am not a Republican... I am nothing: do I dare disturb the universe?