Returning to The North

The fifteen thousand English Breakfast. It is not good for me to eat so much the same sort of thing... I must clean myself from the toxins in it...

Platform 4 on Cambridge Station and Michael has gone for one night to his digs on the otherside of the tracks.

Suddenly, at the end, I didn't want to go! It's Cambridge and it's a great University town/city. Quick half in OTO (old ticket office) then I wait for this long day to carry me further. I wished Michael Bon Voyage and perhaps we'll do this again, but shorter as the Backpacking section has killed me!

As I left London on Thursday the 5th May I felt like I was in foreign country until I caught the train just now at Cambridge Station and remembered I am in England heading to The North. It was an interesting feeling...

The train is pretty busy and my space was taken, but as I am off in Peterborough, for around an hour, I didn't trouble the person there.. It's OK to sit on the floor for ten minutes?


The train was delayed in Peterborough for around 50 which means I was on the go from 9 until 5... By the time I got off the carriage in Leeds I was in a limbo land mentality: it was so busy everywhere.

Slowly, through the various pubs and bars I usually frequent, I got to Pizza Fella which is definitely the best place in Leeds, other than Rudy's, for a stone baked Margherita.


7am. Backpack packed and heading to catch the 7:30am on Boar Lane to go see my girl, mother and other folks. It's over for a while. The blog I mean? As it's not going to be walking for a while what will I have to say?

Dangerous spare people, them who have been out all night, clutter the byways leading to McDonald's on a Saturday morning.

Back to meaninglessness.

Trash litters the route down from Albion Street. Humans are little more than mindless when they are in the drunken haze.

Is that all 9 to 5 is for? To be wasted from 5 until 9 Friday night until Monday morning?


Back the way I came yesterday, but no further than the entrance to the Station. Turning right I am in Pret to wait for the X99 from Boar Lane.


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