Wednesday 16th February, 2022
To be unified. Perhaps the best thing to do is disband NATO? The closer we draw a line in the sand along the east/west frontier the less likely it is cooperation will occur. What was the fall of Communism for? Was it simply so the USA could spread it's devilish wings as shadow drapped on a land which isn't Western in any of its cultural or sociological scope, but gets paid to lean west?
First beer - half an Anthology Oatmeal Stout (5.2%) at 13:20.
Followed 15 minutes later by an Anthology Marlborough (5.2%).
How am I feeling? Grateful for the 50 years in which I've been interested. The slings and arrows, etc, etc. The smell of Cheddar for a Croque Monsieur/English derivative.
But I've got to return to COW for a pair of Combat Pants, which was seriously short on buttons, and I never return. It's a one-way street to nowhere.
I've a pack of seed trays and a 25l bag of seed compost in the sack: it's time to set off some tomatoes at the flat. Using the LED lights to provide the best start to another years potential.
Beer 3. And 4. German 5.1% and 7th Birthday dIPA by Cloudwater. This is me on a Tuesday. I must venture towards North Street and home shortly. I wish alcohol didn't do anything. Or I do, but I wish it didn't wreck me!
So here I am and disappointed with the book I read about Andalucia, which concentrates on Jews. It's always about Jews when clearly Al-Andalus was about Arabs! To be a Vizier who was also a successful Jew is all that matters in this cosmology. I've struggled the last chapter not to feel revulsion in the people she's left beside the truck of her carriage. How many people effected the Spanish mundo at that time: those who weren't either Jewish or powerful. The peasants make the nation and not the moments of arrogance.
Let the war come!
Wednesday morning and Storm Dudley is upon us blowing litter down Albion Street like the lost souls swelling the doorways.
After one half in North Bar, which only sells crap on tap, two slices of Queen Brie and two halves of Objects in Space DDH by Ridgeside Brewery I returned to the flat to prep up two trays of 'potential' but the mist spray seems to be 'misfiring'... After a bowl of fried rice I cleared up the kitchen.
Heading to Wetherby on the 'potentially' busy X98: to contend with School Kids and workers alike.
Tuesday was a good day, but I feel I must make it up to Lola today as an hour really isn't sufficient! Let's make Wednesday rock! What can a storm do...