This dog...
The emptiness of Lola's belly. As she nods her head, under the blanket, and then stirs to look meaningfully in my direction I know that expression.
Usually around half an hour after we've decamped from my room, after she's forced me to get dressed, get a coffee and join the day, she begins to get hunger restlessness.
It's just hit 6 am and I expect around 6:15 this knowing glance will occur. If I ignore her then she'll yawn noisily, cry and, finally, crawl over to me and put her paws on chest while yawning and crying. She will not take no for an answer.
Mum and Emma don't feed her until they get up, but Lola and I get up together around 5:30, as I prefer the mornings, and she's used to our differences
Yesterday morning I got frustrated with Lola, twice, and I lashed out her! I felt terrible afterwards as I just don't lash out at her ever! True, she's got some terrible habits: getting into bins to scavenge titbits, knocking over bins to nose around for whatever leftovers mother has left attainable to her, but she doesn't do it with malice: she's a survivor. If only mother realized nothing should go into the bin which has anything to do with food then Lola wouldn't bother with it. The same problem occurs when the various bins around Wetherby are overflowing with McDonald's wrappers: she can't help but root around for leftovers. It's frustrating as Lola can make herself ill through her scavenging.