As my body breaks down, variously and by degrees, I've realised the body isn't important. The only meaningful reality is the wholesomeness of the mind: deep mind.
Yesterday morning, while brushing my teeth, I realized I hadn't had toothache for ages then, by the time i had reached the allotment(around 11am), I had toothache. But what does this mean? Was there an awareness, at a level lower than physical, that a structure was about to collapse, which popped the question into my morning routine, or was thought sent into the body for a physical response? Spooky.
This morning I have no tooth ache. But teeth are finite, as is everything within the body, unlike thought, which feels infinite, reaching beyond the limited, but intelligent, housing where the brain and nervous system sits.
It'twas 7am on Wednesday 22nd December 2021 just now and never again. Winter solstice came and went and now winter proper will accrete. Just for now and never again. Layers above and levels below, but only a singularity. This is the Now/Presence spoken about by sage wise folk. If I could just break into Now then my body would vanish and I would be infinite and eternal; at peace, and wouldn't be concerned with dental matters?