CVD19.9, not quite verse.
The demon escaped the bottle last night
It did it's worst, attacking those I love,
For no reason other than Ego.
Even while I could see this other 'me' out of control:
It was like watching someone else operate
My mind, without finesse,
And it was perculiar to be aware
These actions and blunt words
Came from a source other than me.
While I am trying to stay focused during these difficult times, on Tuesday the other pattern in me surfaced and blew off into the path of those, this "most angry" secondary persona, most likes to swing for. Wednesday was a day of feeling bad for the things I said, which came from a source I wish to be free from. This morning I'm awake early and the wave of attack has vanished. Phew. This isolation is going to be very tough, but it's forced me to see the flat in Little London as my home: there is nowhere to run to while Leeds Homes (Leeds Council) website is off line anyway. Currently I have a place to retreat to and be at peace: when I realise it, and to watch the beautiful sunrise turn off all the street lamps.