The Wall
Life is for experiencing everything. To be, do and go. To touch, taste and feel. To belong everywhere. To be entirely true! But isn't that's how I'm challenged, because it's disapproved of: I disapprove of myself constantly with the voice. Feelings of unworthiness and disappointment, but what are my true emotions and who's voice is ripping me apart?
Yesterday was harder than I cared to believe, where each footfall was painful and I was fatigued in all my body, carrying a overwhelming backpack, so I started to question myself and my ethos: what does all this thing you do mean Daniel! So I cried into the night because I felt helpless and hemmed in. Even with all the years of walking I'm still lost upon the highway and have no goal in mind: other than perpetual peace. Two mornings ago I was on the path to peace, but then the noise overtook me again. When the Coquille - scallop shell - vanished so did that peace and I allowed it to chase me for 50 kilometres!
Straight up into Carcassonne, and the strange night, carried me hopelessly to another broken night. A bed too short and a strange English man whose phone did nothing but tinkle all night: he didn't know how to turn off the sounds! A nothing day ahead.
Yet there is a fortune favouring me! One pilgrim checked in last night, and is probably away this morning, so perhaps another will arrive today to shift off Monday? To share conversation, repase and grumbles ... Must seek real coffee at the Youth Hostel only dispenses brow water!