Night time
Only one day! That was a terrifically long day. The distance, along the tow path, is nothing. However after the airport hell came the late arrival, the waiting for the host and too many beers. It's insignificant because I believe I'll sleep forever tonight. The food I've eaten today is definitely a contribution to France's nation debt, yet this is necessary.
France has my heart, but I don't know where my head lies! Nowhere is my "main complaint". No sense of belonging. The body succeeds yet my mind is short of aspiration. I'm a dull boy. You know?
If you show your teeth this means a "concord" - bullshit, as the locals sit opposite the Krauts, it is distinctly non-cordial. When will they learn to be honest. Sebastien is not Sebastian. Simple. I listen and pause before the cheese onslaught.
And the gulf separating those Southern Europeans from us witty Brits, with our Monty Python! What can I do? Smile and poke my teef in their general direction? Bloody foreigners. But never underestimate a lapin as they arrived, carrot fed, "on" an Audi (hopping mad they were) because they will eat our hearts out of blood.
The hillock of cheese is onto me so I think another wine will help? Yup, vin Blanc from Capestang.
Obviously ten until six is eight hours. In that third I wish to make my peace with the other two thirds. As I did not create this sore, why do I want to apologize for any direct or subversive intent? Probably because it is expected by those who created me. But who is it I feel expects this inside me? Those voices, so distorting and unforgiving, tell me, all the time, to play along a pathway out of my comprehension.
Please provide me some Cognac, and then, away I have to hide: before ten, but I will not be dictated to by echoes and whimsies because they are not my gods!