Day Four begineth

Feelings of guilt. One too many beers effected my good effort yesterday. Something, like the promise of happiness, took me for not one or two, but three glasses of Kwak. True I had walked 3 and a half hours without stopping for anything other than water, and so I was 'starving' as, in the snow, I trudged up from the Gare in Epernon to the center ville.

After a late lunch - around 3pm I continued, with those 3 beers causing trouble, to the Priory of Saint Thomas and was presented with a bill for the evening of €40. And I just couldn't afford it after the prescription, food and beer had cost €50. So I said I'd have to go without food €15...

The Soeur I was paying, who had a mask on, said it was OK and I could still eat that evening. I went and laid down and slept until 6pm: I really had had a long day, including 2 hours in the Hospital waiting room, and now I have penicillin...

Life is complicated by not moving and being in just one place - due to COVID - surrounded me in walls; opaque and impossible to climb . I am a reflection of the universe and the universe is everything outwards; I am the universe, entirely, completely, but bound in a body... Why choose a body? So I can drink beer? Perhaps!

As the birds warble and whistle I drink a bowl of coffee and ponder the day ahead towards Chartres where I will, all being well, head to Orléans by bus to carry on on Monday for the next 6 days, minus Dimanche this week as I definitely need a 'cleaning' day. There is a Halte Jacquaire in Orléans so I might see another pilgrim?



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