Friday 29th April.
There is something of the world I just can't get my head around. I stare at it uncomprehending... But expecting to understand the inane, meaningless triviality is impossible... Why do I try? How can anyone know the unfathomable?
Last night I returned to my breath to concentrate away from the clutter/cluster of images which make me question my sanity. The never ending line of thoughts about the future or past. Hopes, fears, disappointments and regrets. But I do know these images are not real. They are weighs I carry which close my eyes to the present moment.
Lola lays asleep in her usual position, between my legs, we're warm before breakfast.
Looking outside I can see breaks in the cloud cover and potentially a moment of sunshine prior to her need for sustenance? She appears to have accepted the run up to seven, with me, as there hasn't been a peep from her in the hour we've dwelt here.
Yesterday we walked along the Old Railway to the Thorp Arch Trading Estate and into the demolished ammunition factory which litters the area about Avenue B, Street 3 and Avenue D.