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journal entries around the time of the Operation.

Wednesday 22nd January. Oh to smell the sweet perfume of a rockrose in the mountains of the Algarve, high about the Hubbub of the resorts and human concern. I woke up on Tuesday morning ashamed for drinking into a stupor and it stops... My blood pressure is high. The penny has dropped - I have stage 2 high blood pressure (145/100 this morning). I don't want to die young - which 53 surely is in the 21st century? And I want to leave one nice In Memoriam: this was my life's mission and I can't fail? Can I? Oh the pity. This morning it's 140/100. It seems I've stage 2 high blood pressure. And I thought different and approached Leeds differently yesterday. And today I am going to eat those things which are supposed to reduce the rate. Apart from my alcohol intake, and the bad diet habit I usually stumble upon there, I am pretty healthy for my age; excluding the foot injury and the eyes aging badly... Yesterday I enjoyed a while on the allotment turning over the soil, add...

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